Customer’s rights, supplier selection and change procedure
12 March, 2025

Customer is authorized to:

  • Choose supplier, conclude supply agreement with supplier with the conditions and terms acceptable for him/her and receive supply service by observing the requirements established by the agreement and Georgian legislation.
  • Change supplier at any time with the terms and conditions established by the  rules of electricity retail market. It is not admissible for supplier or other one to hinder the customer while fulfilment of rights for supplier change. Changing the supplier is for free.
  • Receive all needed information and registration data on electricity consumption  for free based on the supply agreement and Georgian legislation.
  • Conclude one supply agreement  with the supplier on few metering knots
  • Refuse to receive  the changed terms of the supply agreement and change supplier  with the rule established by the chapter V of rules of electricity retail market
  • Connect corresponding supply agreement at any time during the validity of public offer and with the purpose of fulfillment of this authority submit signed copy of corresponding  supply agreement  to the free supplier with the rule foreseen by paragraph 6 of article 8 of  the Rules of electricity retail market.
  • Request receipt of the application on changing the  supplier, supply agreement, also in case of non existence, claim form and other type request in material form in Service Center;
  • During the drafting of  supply agreement, request receipt of the bill in material, electronic or sms form; Also, in accordance with the conclusion of the agreement or the  legal act  approved by the commission, after automatically connection to the electricity supply  agreement in public service form or universal supply form at any time by any form and mean foreseen by Article 16 of Rules of electricity retail market.
  • Pay service fee in advance. Amount paid by the customer that  exceeds service  fee indicated into the bill will be reflected on customer’s account as positive balance and will be foreseen by the supplier for reimbursement/payment of service fee for the coming billing period/periods.
  • Request return of the amount reflected in positive balance form on the account by transferring  to the bank account by the supplier.
  • Request reflection of the overpaid amount due to the wrong indication of the service fee in the bill to its account as positive balance or its return to the bank account. Supplier is obliged to reflect over paid amount in the  corrected bill or ensure return of the amount within ten days period upon customer’s request.
  • Change the amount presented as deposit to the supplier with bank guarantee or instead of the bank guarantee present the amount to the supplier.

• In order to comply with the obligations imposed by the supplier under the rules of the electricity retail market and / or to protect his rights and legitimate interests, to apply to the commission, the ombudsman or the court in accordance with the law and the rules of dispute resolution approved by the commission;

  • Choose the supplier before the final alternative is provided
  • Change the supplier of final alternative  with the other one at any time in accordance with the Chapter V of Electricity Retail Market
  • Use/apply other rights defined  by the Georgian Legislation

Large customer is authorized to:

  • Conclude  supply agreement with more than one free supplier with the purpose of providing the supply  to the real estate/object of one cadastral code
  • Conclude supply interrupted agreement with the free supplier. In such case, number of the days will be defined by the agreement or/and the time period during what free supplier is authorized not to supply electricity to the large customer or/and limit the capacity to be supplied.

Domestic customer is authorized to terminate supply agreement unilaterally  at any time on what will inform the supplier or change the supplier  observing the rule established by chapter V of Rules of electricity retails Market

Non domestic customer is authorized to terminate agreement unilaterally in case foreseen by the agreement, also with the purpose to change the supplier in accordance with the chapter V of Rules of electricity retail market

Selection of  supplier

Customer is authorized to  choose the supplier, conclude supply agreement with supplier  with the terms acceptable to him/her and receive supply service  by observing the requirements established  by the agreement and Georgian legislation.

Right for changing the supplier

 Customer is authorized to change the supplier at any time. Changing the supplier is for free. It is not admissible for supplier or other person to hamper the customer during the fulfillment of the right for supplier’s change. Implementation of the procedure for changing the supplier by the customer is provided by the new customer.

Application for changing the supplier

Customer who wants to change the supplier, submits application on changing the supplier to the new supplier in material or electronic  form. Form of the application on changing the supplier is approved by the commission.

Application on changing the supplier shall include :

  • Identification data of the customer
  • Customer Number
  • Supply address, contact number, in case of the customer’s will – data of the additional contact person
  • Desirable date for changing the supply/starting of the supply  by the new customer
  • Consent for carrying out relation by the new supplier on behalf of the customer  with the existed supplier and system operator.

Changing the supplier during the temporary utilization  of the real estate by the customer

In case of the temporary use of real estate  by the customer, customer is authorized to change the supplier. Validity term of supply agreement concluded with the new customer should not exceed the term of temporary utilization of real estate, except the case if the customer submits approval/consent of the owner of real estate  on concluding the supply agreement with new supplier with  more time period for utilization of the real estate.

Procedure for supplier’s change and revision of the application

  • During the proceeding of supplier’s change, relation between the existed supplier, new supplier, corresponding system operator and commission is carried out through special electronic system.
  • New supplier checks compliance of the application for suppliers’ change with the requirements of paragraph 3 of Article 39 of Electricity Retail Market Rules and correctness of the information  given into it. With this purpose new supplier is authorized to request information  from the corresponding system operator.
  • If the new supplier considers that the application is not in compliance with the  requirements of paragraph 3 of Article 39 of Electricity  Retail Market rules or includes incorrect information, notifies customer on this  within 3 days upon receipt of the application and determines reasonable term for error correction that should be less than 2 days. In this case, before the eradication of the error, flow of the term for changing the supplier is stopped.
  • New supplier stops revision of the application if the customer does not eradicate the error  within the term established by the paragraph 3 of Article 40 of Electricity Retail Market Rules, on what informs the customer. Customer is authorized  to address the new supplier with new application again. 
  • From submission of application on supplier change by the customer, and in case of establishing the error – within 2 days from eradication of the error, new supplier sends application of supplier’s change to the corresponding system operator and existed supplier of the customer.
  • If in accordance with the paragraph 5 of Article 40 of Electricity Retail Market rules , new supplier does not receive  refusal on changing the supplier within three days term from sending the information with any type of ground foreseen  by the Article 41 of electricity retail market rules, he/she will immediately inform system operator, existed supplier and customer on compliance/satisfaction of the application
  • If the system operator receives information from different new suppliers on  submission of the application for changing the supplier on the real estate/object  with the one cadastral code  by the same  customer (except the large customer), he/she sends corresponding notification to  that new supplier to whom the application was submitted earlier that is the basis for suspension of revision of  earlier submitted application. Later submitted application will be reviewed with the rule established by the article 40 of electricity retail market rules.
  • In case of refusal on supplier’s change based on any basis foreseen by the article 41 of electricity retail market rules, new supplier no later than following day notifies commission, system operator, existed supplier and customer on it. In case foreseen by this paragraph term flow for the procedure of changing the supplier is stopped.
  • In case of  receiving the information on  refusal on changing the supplier, commission studies the reason for refusal and makes decision on satisfaction of the application for changing the  suppler or on refusal of application approval and informs  new supplier, that on its side will immediately notify  system operator, existed supplier  and customer on this. In case of refusal of satisfying the application on changing the supplier by the commission, procedure for supplier’ s change is stopped and upon receipt of the information on corresponding decision by the new supplier, term flow of the procedure for changing the supplier is renewed.
  • In case if the application is satisfied, on the day  when supply   by the new customer is started or the day when the supplier is changed that is indicated in the application for supplier change, corresponding system operator  ensures meter reading.
  • Procedure for supplier change is fulfilled upon sending the  notification on satisfaction of the  application for supplier change  to the existed supplier and customer and system operator by the new supplier in line with the paragraph 9  or 6 of article 40 of electricity retail market rules. Term for changing the supplier should not exceed three weeks upon receipt the application  for changing the supplier.
  • Customer is authorized  to refuse changing the supplier before the completion of the above mentioned process and request termination of revision of the application for supplier change. In such case it is not admissible to impose penalty or any other type fee on the customer.  

Basis for refusal of supplier change

  • Basis for refusal of supplier change  by the system operator  are:
    • If the information of system operator confirms that on the one and the same day customer addressed more than one  supplier  with the application for changing the supplier on real estate/object with the one cadastral code.
    • Irrelevance of the application for supplier change with the technical features of connection to the network

Basis for above mentioned refusal are not applied in case of large customers, if the satisfaction  of application for supplier change does not cause  irrelevance with the technical features  of connection to the network.

  • Basis for refusal  of changing the supplier  by the existed supplier is non payment of service fee billed on more than one period of the billing by the customer.

Commitments of the parties  during the changing of the supplier

  • Existed supplier is obliged  to ensure supply  to the customer  with the terms established by the electricity retail market rules  before entrance of the supply agreement concluded  with the new supplier  into force  and starting the supply  by the new customer. This commitment  is not spread on the case when supply was suspended to the customer based on the existed supplier’s request or if the customer does not pay service fee in accordance with the terms established by the electricity retail market rules.
  • If customer does not pay  service fee billed on final billing period  by the existed supplier within the term established  by electricity retail market rules, this supplier informs new supplier on the mentioned, who is obliged to address corresponding system operator  immediately with the request to suspend electricity supply  to the customer.