Information card of the customer
23 February, 2025

Relations related to the electricity supply service is regulated  by the “electricity retail market rules” (hereinafter the “rules”) approved by  electricity supply agreement and Resolution N 47 of August 13 of 2020 of  Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission.

Change of the supplier

Customer anytime can change the supplier. Change of the supplier is free and for this purpose customer shall act in line with the chapter V of these “rules” (rules of supplier’s change)

Discussion of the complaints and disputable issues

Rule of discussion of customers’ complaints is acting in JSC “EP Georgia Supply”. In accordance with the rule, in case of the complaints in regard with the supply service, you can address with the complaint application. Complaint will be discussed and you will be notified on response within 10 working days. With the purpose to discuss disputable issues related to the supply service, customer can address “Commission” and/or customers’ interests public defender office. Address: Tbilisi, str. Mitskevichi 19.

Payment of the debt of the amount given into the electricity bill is possible to be done:

  • Through pay boxes, internet/mobile bank utility bills module and by indicating the customer number.
  • Through transfer of the amount on the following bank accounts of EP Georgia Supply (customer number or invoice number shall be indicated into the  purpose)
    • TBC Bank: GE98TB7767636030100003,
    • Bank of Georgia: GE20BG0000000499427648,
    • Liberty Bank: GE43LB0114140375188003,
    • Basis Bank GE62BS0000000006036715.
  • Without additional  fee, payment of the amount  is possible to be carried out  in JSC  “OPPA” owned pay boxes  placed in JSC “EP Georgia Supply” and JSC “Energo-Pro Georgia” Offices.

Recommendations for consumption reduction and other activities of energy efficiency assistance

  • Change the ordinary lamps with the energy efficient lamps. Their consumption is fifth time low compared to the ordinary lamps’ consumption.
  • Use the  dot-sized lighting
  • Switch off the light when leaving the room
  • Try use energy efficient family technique as it consumes less electricity  than the old one.
  • When choosing the heating facilities, try  to choose the heating system with  the temperature control
  • Do not leave the  chargers of mobile phones, laptop and other devices connected

Additional information related to the supply service is given at  our web pages

Information card of the customer (Download)