12 March, 2025
The deadline for payment of the supply service fee is regulated by the “Electricity Retail Market Rules” approved by the GNERC Resolution N47 of 13-08-2020 and the supply contract. The exact payment term is given in the electricity receipt. Debt can be paid:
- By means of fast payment machines, indicating the customer number.
- Internet and mobile banking utility payment module, indicating the customer number.
- By depositing money into bank accounts to EP Georgia Supply. TBC Bank: GE98TB7767636030100003, Bank of Georgia: GE20BG0000000499427648, Liberty Bank: GE43LB0114140375188003. When transferring money to the account, please indicate the number of the customer or invoice in the description.
- Payment can be made at no extra charge with the payment machines owned by JSC “OPPA” located at JSC “EP Georgia Supply” and JSC “ENERGO-PRO Georgia” offices.